Monday, March 5, 2012

Holiday catch up

Because Ellie came right before the major holidays, it seems we just had people for weeks and weeks.  It was really nice to have company, and Benny just loved all the attention.

First my parents came.  As stated, my dad drove up the day of the birth, dropped off my mom, and left.  He returned the next weekend for her.

The next weekend Ben's dad and stepmom came up.  It was so nice to have them visit and of course, Benny was super excited.

The next weekend was Christmas, and I don't know where those pictures are. I think on Ben's phone. The above is the ward Christmas party a couple weeks prior.
We played it pretty low key this year since we had a brand new baby and were tired, and we kind of get stuff all throughout the year when we need it or see sales.  So Ben and I got a new TV for our bedroom the month before. Benny got all sorts of firetruck stuff, Angry Birds, and superhero guys. Then when all the grandparents came he got tons more stuff.  He is spoiled and we need to work on that.  We had a nice Christmas though and enjoyed just being together and spending the day relaxing. In the evening I let Ben nap and I took the kids over to Kimiko's for a bit to visit.
Then a few days later Ben's mom and brother came to visit.  I didn't get any pictures she would approve of, but I thought this one of Uncle Jon and Ellie napping was so sweet. 

For New Year's, my family usually has a huge dinner and plays bingo.  We were able to carry on part of the tradition by having a big dinner at Kimiko's and let the kids play wii games.  It was fun to have my parents and Ben's mom all together.  Our moms are two peas in a pod and it's scary to get them together because they are CRAZY! :)

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