Sunday, January 30, 2011

Benny's song

The picture has nothing to do with anything, but non-funny blogs are better with pics, right?

Benny is quite the budding photographer.

Of course this is just for his parents to remember as we will think it is way funnier than anyone else.

Tonight Benny decided that after prayer and scriptures he would perform a couple songs on his guitar before he went to bed. His first number was Old MacDonald. He then wanted to sing a song about dinosaurs, but then he realized he didn't know any. Ben told him he would just have to make one up. So this was the song:

"There was a dinosaur named Rexy Hape. He ate all the vegetables, and then a cow and a triceratops, and then he ate all the POOP! And then he ate some guts, guts, guts, guts."

We thought that was pretty creative for his first song. Maybe the next one will be a bit cleaner.


Court and Jill said...

Love the song! Love the nostril picture :)

kimiko said...

He's such a funny kid! His song reminds me of his dad's poetry. :)

Erin said...

What is the deal with boys and poop? :)

Esther said...

Jordan always thinks it is so funny if he can fit the word Poop into something. I don't know why. Kids are funny. Creative song.