Monday, March 29, 2010

Just Mom

First I was "Mama" when my baby started babbling and learning to talk. Then about a month ago he realized he could call me "Mommy," which I loved. I loved having a little mama's boy for a change. Now all too soon "mommy" is gone and he is all grown up, and I am just "Mom." He is 2. I thought he would call me "mommy" until he was at least 4 or 5. I thought I would have a baby a little longer. Overnight he grew up. Everything is "Benny do it." He goes potty on the big potty, not his little Elmo potty (when he does go on the potty, sigh). He talked to his Grandma Sue for a half hour by webchat the other day. He wakes up and finds his own breakfast. He might have a cavity (yes, Mom, he eats too much sugar). He plays on the computer. He is picky about what music he listens to and knows how to play CD's. He is particular about his clothes. He is reasonable and can compromise. He is a real little person.

And now I am just "Mom."

But the other day he put his arms around my neck and very seriously said, "Mom, I'm happy" and snuggled into my shoulder.

Being "Mom" may just be ok.


Lori said...

That is so sweet. And a little sad for you that your little Benny is growing up. He is such a doll.

p.s. Colby Green got married!

Court and Jill said...

Cute Kari...I mean "mom." :)

Mrs. Patterson said...

I love your blog. You just put things so perfectly. I was called "mom" for the first time just the other day. Kinda painful after being "mommy". But still so sweet to hear that word come out of his little mouth :)

Esther said...

What a sweet post! It is amazing how fast they grow! I like Mommy best too. I have never been called mama. Jordan started with mimi and then went to mommy. I thought mimi was cute too. Braden just started with mommy, I think to copy Jordan. Jordan still calls me mommy, even though he is 3 and 1/2. I wonder when he will transition.

Lindsay said...

Why do they have to grow up at all :(
James can be two forever. I am sad we can't see Benny grow up next to us.

PS- we are pregnant again! No not April fools, we really are. And for the record I hate april fools day.

Erin said...

That makes me smile. You are being a good "Mom" if he's happy. Awesome job Kari!