Saturday, October 8, 2011


It's official: we have completely lost our minds.

We decided to move into a small apartment to save some money for a few months. I will be 36 weeks pregnant on moving day next month.

Kill me now.

That said, we both feel good about this. We're just moving a few streets away in the same city and same ward. We'll obviously be giving up some things, but at least we will both be able to fit into the bathroom at the same time. Although I won't be working anymore so I really won't need to be in the bathroom getting ready at the same time as Ben. Oh well. We'll see how this goes! It's not forever, right?


Court and Jill said...

Wow. Good luck!

Brooke said...

that is pretty crazy indeed! I wish we were there so we could help you move :) good luck!!!

Jennifer said...

Good luck with the move. Love the baby bump picture in the previous post!

kimiko said...

Yeah, you guys are crazy, but also wise for making good financial decisions. Hopefully this apartment experience will be much better than the last.

Token Asian Friend said...

I don't think I have officially said it, but CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you, and moving when your pregnant just means you sit in a chair and point to where things go. And an apartment means no yard, no driveway, so more time with the family all together. I'm so happy for you!

Lori said...

good for you! i am glad you are able to stay home. most important.

Erin said...

I always respect people who make the sacrifices to stay home. It's not easy but it will make a huge difference with your children. Good job.