I know it's not Halloween yet, but I about died when I saw how cute Benny was in his costume (no, he will not be wearing crocs). The cutest part is how excited he has been. Last Halloween he was not a fan of dressing up, but this year he has been planning his costume ever since the catalogs came in the mail. He carries the catalogs around the house and sits down time and again on the couch, thumbing through the pictures and always landing on the firefigher page. He is very into firetrucks and firefighters at the moment.
He even asked if he could wear his costume to sleep tonight.
Thank you, Grandma Sue, for making this little boy so happy! I think this costume will be more than just for Halloween.
And some other random stuff--I still get a kick out of how much fun Benny and Mayumi have together. She copies everything he does, and he loves having a little "doll" to take around.
And he is getting big. He is potty training and has a big boy bed. I am not sure why we bought him the bed though as this was pretty much the only time he slept in it. He usually makes a "nest" on the floor out of his blankets, pillows and stuffed animals. It is fun for me to hear all the funny things he says but we are definitely saying so long to his baby days.
He's doing great with his counting and ABC's and learning letter and number recognition. He knows how to use an ipod better than I do. And he wants to pretty much know the mysteries of the universe. I get weird looks at the grocery store when I am explaining things in depth to my 2 year old sitting in the cart, but the more you explain something to him, the better. He's very detail oriented and very reasonable and I pretty much just converse with him like I would an adult. He of course still has his fits and normal two year old moments, but he grew up way too fast for this mom. I guess they all do.
I think kids really respect adults who talk to them like equals - even two year olds.
And yes, they all grow up too fast. And not nearly fast enough at the same time...
Such a cute fireman! And nice job on the firetruck Kimiko. You must be so happy to have your sister nearby. I wish one of mine would move closer to me!
Firemen are the best! Next time you come to Utah, you'll have to let me know and we can see if Curt can arrange a little tour of the fire station for him, and maybe a quick ride in the BIG fire engine!! :)
So so cute in that costume!! I'm glad that he's excited about Halloween this year. It is too fast for them to be growing, huh? I still have some baby time with Eli, but it seems too fleeting.
Ben looks so cute!! Isn't it fun when they start to get excited about holidays. :) You are right though they grow up so fast. Time has definately flown by so much faster since I have had kids. That so nice that he has a cousin close by to play with. I know that Jordan loves having Clairs kids closer now. Still about an hour or so away but closer than Georgia. He is always saying they are his best friends. I just wish they lived in the same city as us. That is so cool that Kimiko is so close!
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