But it sure is nice when your sister moves in!
I know our older siblings think we're worse than twins, but I see it as a huge blessing that my sister and her family were able to come out here. Of all the places and jobs in the world, they ended up 5 miles from us! What are the chances? We are even in the same ward at church.
We don't know how long this will last, but we will enjoy it while we can. Benny and Mayumi have sure been enjoying their get togethers.

You are so lucky! My sister lives in Maryland, (just 25 minutes away)but I can't go and visit her because she is on her mission! Isn't that a sick joke! Being sent so close to a sister and be able to see her, but don't worry I have cheated twice. I am super jealous of you!
I feel like I cheated or something. This move really hasn't been hard (at least not yet) because you guys are here. I can't believe how grown up Mayumi looks in the lower right picture. Where did my baby go? And Benny is so stinkin' cute in his helmet!
Having family close by is the best! I'm glad you have a sister and cousins for Benny to make life a little more blessed.
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