I said "stuffs" cuz that is the way my mom has always said it. Stuffs is plural for stuff. Oh, wait.
Anyway, I am too tired to organize this post or write much about it.

Oakland zoo. It was nice Daddy was able to have MLK Day off work to spend time with us.

Tech Museum in San Jose last week. This is a small submarine.

Awesome slippers Big Ben brought home from work for Benny. They are always getting rid of cool stuff that is not "age appropriate" for the students there

Chillin' with dad's ipod. Ben is nice to share since he owns at least 3. I, sadly, have none.

All the rescue vehicles are parked backward in the station so they can rush out to help somebody when it's time.

My 2nd non-rectangular cake. We celebrated my dad's bday on Superbowl Sunday, so even though he doesn't watch football, he got a football cupcake cake

I just want you to check out my mom's legs. Pretty buff for a _____ year-old.

I can't remember why but Ben watched Benny all day one day. They read books, practiced letters and numbers, played, and did crafts. I was very impressed. I still say he should be stay-at-home dad. He's much better at it than I am. (No, Benny did not write his name by himself).

Trying to call Grandpa Tom & Grammy on my "special phone."

They play so well together (most of the time). It's really fun.

And, most importantly, Benny's trip to the firestation! I've been meaning to take him for several months now and have been trying to find a day to fit in several things together to make it worth a special trip to Cordelia (Fairfield). They were so nice and actually seemed excited to have us there. They invited us back anytime. They were even nice enough to tell Benny that real firefighters use the potty, not pullups or diapers (or their underwear! Grrr), so he said he would start using the potty all the time (have yet to see this happen, but we'll see.) It was so cute to see how excited he was, even if he got all shy once we were there. I even thought it was pretty cool. To all my firefighting friends, thank you for all you do! My son sure thinks you are heroes
That's really cool that you went to the fire station! did you call a head or did you just go over. Eli would love that so let me know what you did!
Cute pictures! I have some good ones of the fire station that I still need to send you. You updated your blog way too soon!
What a lucky son you have! Sounds like both of his parents know how to spend quality time with him! What a handsome, smart boy - parking the rescue vehicles so that they can get out faster! I'm impressed with how much he knows. If it makes you feel better, Gracie just pooped her pants - so frustrating!
Cute pictures! I have to take my boys to the firestation sometime. It is just a few blocks away so I don't have much of an excuse. I guess I just don't know if they care if you just come by or if you have to schedule something. I should just buck up and try it.
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