I remembered that a couple weeks ago I was thinking what a good guy he was after one night in particular. We were going to babysit for my sister but I was pretty busy that night, and without hesitation Ben said he didn't mind just doing it himself. So he fed the kids, played with them, got them in their pajamas, etc. When I got home I saw that Benny and Mayumi were wearing the same pajamas. Kimiko and I had somehow bought the exact same ones for our kids.
I didn't even have to wonder if Ben took some pictures; of course he did. He thinks of things like that.
I know it's a little thing, snapping a quick picture, but he does thoughtful little things like that a lot. He turns on my seat warmer for me when he starts the car. He drops off Benny and picks him up on the days I work, and also gets him ready to save me 10 minutes since I am ALWAYS running late. He brings home extra toys from school that he thinks Benny will like.
So off I go to see if there is something I can do for him. I'd like to one day be as good a wife as he is a husband.